Sunday, November 11, 2012

One-Step Equations

Last week we covered solving one-step equations in my Algebra class.  Here are the pages we created in our Interactive Student Notebook (ISN).

 These are pages 3-4 in our notebooks.  I didn't start the ISN at the beginning of the year so there would have been many more pages before this one.

On the left side is the fold-able I made on the computer and printed off for the students. (template below)

The beginning of the period looked a lot like art class with the kids coloring and cutting it out, but they had an excellent time.

Next, we filled out the fold-able with each type of one-step equation.  It is the kind of problem, not the operation you perform to solve for x.

The top of the flap was completed with the step needed to solve that particular problem, and the base was a worked out sample problem of each kind.

On the right side of the notebook were our notes and practice problems.  At the top, we discussed the vocabulary words: Constant and Coefficient.  A definition and example were given for each word.  You will notice in the problems the students were asked to highlight where/in which problems they saw those vocabulary words.

After each question, we talked about how to substitute each found value back into the equation to determine if they performed the correct operation.

At the very bottom of the right side, I asked students to summarize in 1 sentence how to solve one step equations and what they came up on their own blew my mind..."Perform the opposite operation to solve for x"  **Proud teacher moment**

I'm not sure exactly why this post is not letting people download the foldable but below is a link to my Google file for the foldable.

One-Step Equations Foldable


  1. Anya, Check out your Liebster Award nomination on my blog. It's Hopefully, you'll participate and nominate some blogs you love. ~Stacy

  2. I love this! Would you be able to send it to me directly. I cannot download it and would LOVE to use this with my intensive math students. My email address is Thank you so much!

  3. Thanks so much. I am a teacher for homeschooled students. This is going to be a great tool for their learning coaches.

  4. I am in love with your foldable and would love to use it. The only problem is that I am unable to download it. Anyway you could send it to me for me to use tomorrow with my students? Thank you!

    1. I have emailed you the foldable. Sorry for the problems. I'll get this one switched out to the new program so it's free for downloading to everyone.

  5. Is there any chance I can have this emailed to me as well?

    Thank you!

    1. Of course! Email me at and I'll send it your way right away.

  6. Could you email me the foldable as well? Thanks I appreciate it!

  7. Hi! After hitting a brick wall with my 9th grade ELL students, I used this foldable and it worked amazingly well! They were able to use the foldable to complete practice problems successfully! Thank you!!! :)

    1. Teri I'm so glad it worked for you and your students. Please let me know if there is anything else I can send you to help you out!

  8. Hi there! Thanks for the foldable and the notes!! We made them just like your class and they both really helped get the ball rolling in the right direction! My special education students are ALMOST "there" when it comes understanding how to solve one-step equations, but I think that they need something using models to help them understand the why and how, completely. Can you recommend any resources or any strategies you have used with models?? I am fairly new at teaching middle school math and could really use some modeling myself!! :)

  9. Anya, I forgot to hit the "notify me" button if you respond to my previous post. Please respond on this one as then I will get notified. So sorry for any inconvenience! Thanks again!

    1. Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I just saw this comment today. I'm sure it is way past at this point but I use Algebra tiles to help model this sort of math. The students understand the movement of numbers from one side of the equal sign to the other. I also have used the idea of a balance, what would happen if you only removed some thing from one side and not from both sides. They should know that it would weigh heavy and tip on the one side unless you remove it from both, then it would remain balanced.

      I can try to find some resources on this and send them your way for next year. Sorry again for not getting back to you sooner. My email always tells me when someone leaves a comment and for some reason it didn't this time.


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